Cookie Policy

A ‘cookie’ is a small text file that may be stored in a dedicated space on the hard drive of the device you use (e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit a website through your browser and may be subject to your prior consent before being installed. These cookies allow a website to remember your actions and preferences (such as, for example, your login details, your preferred language, font size, other display settings, etc.) so that they do not need to be asked for again when you return to that website or browse from one page to another. Some operations might not be performed without the use of cookies, which in some cases are therefore technically necessary for the website’s operation.
According to the laws in force in Italy, the use of cookies does not always require the express consent of the user.
The Italian Data Protection Authority identifies the following cookies as not requiring express consent for their use:
  • a) technical cookies, i.e. those used exclusively with a view to carrying out the transmission of a communication on an electronic communications network or as far as is strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the user, do not require such consent. In other words, these cookies are essential to the functioning of the website or necessary for carrying out the activities requested by the user;
  • b) analytical cookies when tools are used to reduce the identifying power of cookies and the third party providing the cookie does not cross-reference the information collected with other information it already has; these cookies are used to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site;
  • c) navigation cookies or session cookies (for authentication purposes), the deactivation of which affects the use of login services;
  • d) function cookies, which allow the user to browse according to a series of selected criteria (for example, language, products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service provided to the user.
The Italian Data Protection Authority identifies the following cookies as requiring express consent for their use:
  • a) analytical cookies when no tools are used to reduce the identifying power of the cookie and the third party providing the cookie cross-references the information collected with other information it already has;
  • b) profiling cookies, i.e. those aimed at identifying the user’s preferences and improving the user’s browsing experience.
Types of Cookies used by the website and the option to enable or disable them We would like to inform you that the site uses the following cookies, which can also be deselected individually (as specified below in ‘Cookie settings’):

Third-party cookies 

Third-party cookies, i.e. cookies created by a website other than the one you are currently visiting, are also active on this Website (see the cookies table).

It should be noted that the aforementioned third parties, listed below with the relevant links to their Privacy Policies, typically act as independent data controllers of the data collected through the cookies they serve; in this case, the user gives or withholds consent directly to the owner of the cookie in question to which the Website merely refers. The management of information collected by ‘third parties’ is governed by their privacy policies, which can be accessed by clicking on the link in the ‘List of cookies’ table under the relevant heading.

Social plugins and social media walls

These services are aimed at collecting content from the social media channels used by the Data Controller (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.). These are parts of the page visited, generated directly by these social media channels and integrated into the page of the Website itself. The use of these tools is aimed at sharing the contents of the visited site on your social profile. These services issue ‘third-party cookies’. The management of information collected by ‘third parties’ is governed by their privacy policies, which can be accessed by clicking on the link in the ‘List of cookies’ table under the relevant heading.

Cookie settings

Der Nutzer kann beim erstmaligen Zugriff auf die Website über das Cookie-Banner eine Auswahl treffen und angeben, welche Cookies er zulassen möchte. Sie können jederzeit Ihre Entscheidungen bezüglich der Cookie-Einstellungen überprüfen, indem Sie hier klicken.
Der Nutzer kann Cookies auch über die spezifischen Funktionen seines Navigationsprogramms (Browser) zulassen, blockieren oder (ganz oder teilweise) löschen. Wenn Sie diese Cookies deaktivieren möchten oder weitere Informationen darüber wünschen, wie Sie die Verwendung von Cookies über Ihren Webbrowser einstellen können, lesen Sie bitte die entsprechenden Anweisungen:

Internet Explorer

Achtung: Der Nutzer wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die Nichtzulassung von technischen Cookies die Nutzung der Website, die Anzeige ihrer Inhalte und die Inanspruchnahme ihrer Dienste verhindern kann. Die Deaktivierung von funktionalen Cookies kann dazu führen, dass bestimmte Dienste oder Funktionen der Website nicht verfügbar sind oder nicht ordnungsgemäß funktionieren, und der Benutzer kann gezwungen sein, bestimmte Informationen oder Einstellungen bei jedem Besuch der Website zu ändern oder manuell einzugeben.
Die Nichtzulassung anderer Cookies, auch von Drittanbietern, hat dagegen keine Auswirkungen auf die Funktionsweise der Website.

Die Entscheidungen, die der Nutzer in Bezug auf die Cookies der Website trifft, werden wiederum in einem speziellen technischen Cookie mit den in der entsprechenden Cookie-Tabelle angegebenen Merkmalen gespeichert.
Die Benutzereinstellungen in Bezug auf Cookies müssen zurückgesetzt werden, wenn verschiedene Geräte oder Browser für den Zugriff auf die Website verwendet werden.

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Read the Privacy Policy.