
The toilet paper with grass
Our first toilet paper with grass – naturally from Hakle
Thanks to the rapidly renewable natural raw material grass and the high-quality virgin fibre pulp made of wood from Hakle Naturel, you can enjoy the usual Hakle quality and still protect the forests of our earth – certified with FSC MIX.

Natural white paper with grass,
4-ply safe.

Our Hakle products have been awarded the FSC® label. This certification guarantees that the pulp obtained for our toilet paper comes from exemplary managed forests and other controlled sources.

Toilet paper with unique feel-good embossing. Air-permeable paper structure provides extra softness.

With grass percentage

Available in: 4 rolls, 8 rolls, 12 rolls.

Quality and feel good – every day. With Hakle toilet papers you will experience your very own personal care – natural, gently cleansing and soothing. Your individual extra of cleanliness, quality and care to feel good.